Friday, August 28, 2009

Lagoon Center Comment

Thank you for opportunity to comment on the design of your new center. Unfortunately, the modern design is not consistent with our community character. While the design maybe cost effective, it leaves one with the impression of a cold, sterile, prison structure. The orientation is acceptable, but the materials and design simply do not relate to the are or what we are viewing. Please reconsider this design and choose something that connects with the history of the area. Ultra modern metal is not it!

1 comment:

  1. BATHROOMS: I think that there should be 3, unisex/family bathrooms, all of which could be equipped with a small countertop for diaper changes. I am a mom (and therefore also a woman) and this is the best use of the space and will avoid lines.

    SCIENCE CLASSROOM: There should be windows in the Science Classroom. It is inspiring to younger students to see scientists at work, whether they be adult professionals or high school students. These windowed areas are always the best part of any museum, aquarium, etc.

    PUBLIC SPACE RENTAL: I think that stakeholders should be presented with whatever financial information is available regarding revenue from space rental for private group meetings and receptions, and given a chance to fully discuss the benefits and disadvantages of such uses, knowing what the potential revenue could be.

    Lastly, I do not think that the design is cold or sterile (relating to the last comment). I think it is appropriate and well-designed; a lovely building! Any money spent to improve the aesthetics is money better-spent on other, more important priorities.

