Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lagoon Center Comment

I looked over the concept plans and am excited about the facility and the benefits it will have for our river valley! Here are my comments that I have after reviewing the designs:

1) Future widening of Via de la Valle. The concept plans do take into account the area proposed for the future widening, and there is discussion on the noise impact of this thoroughfare. I don't know where in the process the city/county is in widening this section of roadway but I suggest (if it has not been done) that the SDRVP send comments to that entity that appropriate mitigation be installed to address roadway noise. I think that maintaining view from the roadway is important so travelers have a chance to see into the valley, so I'm not advocating huge sound walls. We have found that even 3-4 foot high block walls are effective in shielding tire and engine noise and headlights from off-site properties. Also, the landscaping and lighting that is done in the Via do la Valle right-of-way should be compatible with plant material that is installed at the lagoon center...this would help blend the two uses together and help make Via de la Valle appear as an extension of the Center.

2) This facility will be a very popular venue for school children. The written description includes opportunities for picnicking, but when I looked over the concept plans I didn't see where those are. If a teacher is bringing her class of 30+ students with their bag lunches there should be a picnic area to accommodate them that includes tables and/or seating, refuse, water and shade that is somewhat secure and not in the way of, or becomes a distraction to, other visitors of the center.

3) Parking Area. I know that the parking area is not yet detailed to the level of delineating spaces, but make sure there are a couple of stalls large enough to accommodate school busses.

4) I appreciate all the energy efficient features. Please consider reclaimed water for irrigation. If the water agency does not have reclaimed water available to the site yet it would be good to consider installing a dual irrigation system with purple pipe during construction so that the site is ready to transfer over when reclaimed water is provided.

5) Public Art. This is a feature that adds so much to facilities such as yours but often an afterthought that gets installed after the facility is in place without much forethought. I suggest having an artist and/or landscape architect look at the plans to provide guidance on where the best locations would be to install public art (which would serve as an additional draw for the center). The style of art need not be decided upon at this point, but determining where the best location(s) to place art and how much area you want to devote to those feature(s) should discussed early in the process.

6) Upper level concept plan. I like the large meeting room and opportunities that it will have for holding large gatherings. I don't feel that a single bathroom will be sufficient for this area. I realize that there are additional facilities downstairs but it may be wise to consider making the upper level more complete with separate men's and women's facilities, especially in consideration of my last comment...

7) Proposed use for the meeting room. What types of meetings are anticipated for the meeting room? One possibility is to open this up to the public as a revenue generating opportunity for the Park. Corporate seminars/retreats, weddings, receptions, and other private venues would be interested in this space to hold their events; rent collected for such gatherings would provide funding to help run the facility...just a thought.

Overall the plans look good and I'm excited about seeing it come to fruition!


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